About Us



27960 COUNTY RD. 319


(614) 451-5810 MAIN
(614) 559-3932 FAX

DNA Repair Kits is a company that provides in situ, cell context tools to examine overall pathways in the cell that maintain genomic stability. DNA Repair pathways contain many anti-cancer and anti-viral 'druggable' targets; however, finding these targets is sometimes intractable.  While most repair proteins can be over-expressed, purified, and studied as isolated factors in vitro, the physiological relevance is often questionable or weak at best. A far better approach is to use a cell-based reporter system that reflects biochemical/molecular mechanisms that actually transpire in live cells.  Our endogenous DNA repair kits robustly reflect true pathway behavior in cells and we are the first to market these powerful and tractable tools.  If you are engaged in any aspect of drug discovery, drug screening, or mechanistic dissection of a complex repair path, our Kits will facilitate new and unprecedented insight.  DNA repair in the cell nucleus need not be a 'black box' process any longer.  Please enquire about how we can help you dissect a central concept in cell growth and viability: Genomic stability.

For the first time, a tractable and well-defined system is available to probe both Homologous Recombination and Non-Homologous End Joining.
The video below shows an example of using single-cell imaging to track HR in real-time: