Collection: Homology Repair (HR) Based Kits That are Hosted By Specific Cell Lines.

Because our kits are modular in nature, we can install them in virtually any cell line to obtain maximal repair efficiency. Our systems are based upon two constructs: one plasmid that is the GFP reporter, and a second plasmid that is a mega endonuclease that makes a single unique cut in the human genome. That cleavage site is precisely located in such a way that only Homology Repair can be carried out.  The readout for HR repair is the percentage of cells that become GFP positive.  In order to improve the efficiency, reproducibility and sensitivity of HR repair, we can install the first reporter in a stable cell line, and characterize that line is having one or two copies of the reporter, and because it is clonal, improves the consistency and reproducibility of the system, for example, when used with high throughput drug screening projects. 

The Kits in this collection are 'hosted' by specific cells lines and in order to initiate HR, you only need to transfect a single expression plasmid (I-Sce).  Check out all cell lines that contain the reporter gene for HR (see below).